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On Budget and On Time
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We are driven by values
We provide all kind of content written specifically for our customers with their target audience in mind.
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Our team

Michael Wight
Michael Wight is an experienced writer and has been using his pen to perfection since 2000s.He is a wise businessman who understands the ins and outs of the digital world.

Maha Anwar
Maha is a business graduate with experience in handling all kinds of clients communication including written and verbal communications.

Louise Harris
She is the President at Last Research & Editing and has decades of editing experience under her belt. With her eye for details.

10 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know
While most people would find it difficult to accept it, email marketing stats 2016 reveal that email marketing is bigger than ever. One of the main

5 Big Recent Logo Changes You Might Not Have Noticed
Companies change their logos for multitude of reasons, but at times the change is so minor that most of us do not even notice it.

5 Things You Can Do To Spoil Your Dog
If you’re like most people, you’d like to spoil your dog. There are few things as exciting as watching your furry friend jump with joy

Big Data Stats 2016: Big Data Statistics You Need to Know
Big data is everywhere. People are looking for big data stats 2016 as they want to know more about big data and how it has
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