5 Big Recent Logo Changes You Might Not Have Noticed

5 Big Recent Logo Changes You Might Not Have Noticed

Companies change their logos for multitude of reasons, but at times the change is so minor that most of us do not even notice it. There are many reasons why companies bring such subtle changes, and one of the main reasons is their fear of disapproval. A logo is any business’s identity, and a change in logo can make tonnes of difference, even resulting in a business losing its identity.

Many companies have brought changes in their logos in the last few years, but did you even notice them? Let’s have a look at 5 such companies and see the difference yourself:

google logo change

Google changed its logo this year, and most of us even failed to notice it since the change was so subtle.

spotify logo change

Spotify went from black to green, but did you notice?

facebook logo change

The biggest social media is gradually changing.

emerald logo change

We liked Emerald with the gold, but the company doesn’t.

honest tea logo change

To be honest, the new one looks better.